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There's a baby crying and one more on the way.
There's a wolf at the door with a big stack of bills they can't pay.
The clouds are dark and the wind is high,
But they can see the other side.

Late October, 2002

Ms. Babyblues,

Long before I met you, when I was living the first years of my teenage days, Tanya Tucker's Like Two Sparrows In A Hurricane was a song that really got to me. To be frank, I didn't understand much of the lyrics, but I'd watch the video and think of my parents.

Ten years later, here I am, listening to the song and knowing exactly what the song is about. And you know what? I no longer think of my parents when listening to it. I now think of you and me. I wish this song was based on our story. . . of events that came, and of those to come. Hmm, to find myself with you -- even if struggling to get by -- would be a blessing. Seriously, I wish I were given the chance to be the one you'd seek comfort in when things aren't going your way. . . . more so the one you're around of when they are.

But I know another man will be given the joy of holding you and looking back into the many decades spent together. I know and accept it's not my fate to have you as mine ever again. Somehow, I've known for a long time that you won't be mine again, but still... it hurts. A kind of pain previously unknown and unimagined by me. An immeasurable pain within me. . . my desire to have you, knowing I can't and won't.

Please grant me the serenity in knowing that you'll mention me me in your old age. Assure me that you will remember me and that your grandchildren will hear about us. Let them know that before grandma met grandpa... there was a man who loved you so much he thought his life had ended the instant he realized you weren't his anymore. Make them aware that for many years he sought in other girls the feeling that only you could arouse in him. Tell them that he failed miserably, for nobody else could replicate your ways - his eyes, soul, and heart were created to desire you, and only you. If they ask, "whatever happened to him?" Tell them that I probably died waiting for you to be mine again... even knowing it was not meant to be.

Fidencio Quiterio

Two Sparrows In A Hurricane
By Tanya Tucker

She's fifteen and he's barely driving a car.
She's got his ring and he's got the keys to her heart.
It's just matter of time;
They'll spread their wings and fly.

Like two sparrows in a hurricane,
Trying to find their way,
With a head full of dreams,
And faith that can move anything.

They've heard it's all uphill,
But all they know is how they feel,
The world says they'll never make it,
Love says they will.

There's a baby crying and one more on the way.
There's a wolf at the door with a big stack of bills they can't pay.
The clouds are dark and the wind is high,
But they can see the other side.

Like two sparrows in a hurricane,
Trying to find their way,
With a head full of dreams,
And faith that can move anything.

They've heard it's all uphill,
But all they know is how they feel,
The world says they'll never make it,
Love says they will.

She's eighty-three and he's barely driving a car.
She's got his ring and he's got the key to her heart.
It's just a matter of time,
They'll spread their wings and fly.

Like two sparrows in a hurricane,
Trying to find their way,
With a head full of dreams,
And faith that can move anything.

They've heard it's all uphill,
But all they know is how they feel,
The world says they'll never make it,
But love says they will.

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