Dusky’s Guestbookwell where do i start. This website is the best i have seen. It has disaster, laughter, and love. It makes me wonder how this man is like. His words are like poetry. Umm and thats nice, lol. I cant help it i lol too much :). i love the music too. I can see that there was alot of effort put into this website, wich gives it a special touch and warmth to it. [Dusky] don't change. i am not good with words. but you know that i do dig this web page.Once again, its the best and i will be coming back to view it for updates :). Take care :). Well dude you know what i think of your site, I mean you were kind enough to mention me and my baby on it so that makes it hella good:) naahh but seriously, i think your site is awesome and i know you are gonna keep on making it better, like i told you i'll get married when you are completely finished with it, but you have to take at least 5 years to finish it:) well dude keep up the good work, i'll be checking up for updates, (see i told you a guest book would be nice) Well [Dusky], you've outdone yourself plain and simple :) You obviously put alot of time and work into this page and it came out damn good! I still don't see my shoutout, but I'll forgive you this time :wink: I still haven't been to the "love" section of your page, but I will definitely check that out since u recommend it so highly :) Aight, I'm out for now...byee :) hey baby all i can say is this was a cool page. that love thing was sad though. i'll keep checking to see when ya update it. do me a fav....put a pic of u smiling baby. keep me posted...k. Hey hunny! Hijole, you outdid yourself this time. Gracias por todo. No te olvides que aqui esta tu Risitas para cuando necesites algo. Be good [Dusky]. And keep up the good work. Muuaaaahhhh! =0) your right [Dusky].....you are a pretty funny guy...and im glad i know you...by the way you did a great job i really enjoyed your website, i didnt expect none the less... love always, WELL MR.DUSKY WHAT CAN I SAY I LIKED IT VERY MUCH. VERI VERI GUD. I LIKED THE LITTLE MUSIC IT WAS CUTE =)AND COMO TE PROMETI IM SIGNING YOUR GUESTBOOK CUZ U KNOW IM YOUR BEST BUDDY JEJEJEJE WELL I RECOMEND U GUYS READ THE WHAT DUSKY HAS TO SAY. HE IS REALLY COO AND IM NOT SAYING CUZ I KNOW HIM HE REALLY IS WELL LATERS=) Hey [Dusky]. I just wanted you to know that l love your website. The pictures of you, pictures of your family. Got to love the family :) The music, favorite links, and you weird...not at all! The part were you have things about you and you only...I think I learned more about you there then I have in the year I have known you. It was cool to find out about you and what you do and who you are! And that love hurts story is so sad. I know what happened and I kinda knew what you'd say, but that's sad the way you worded it and everything. And The weird facts. You made me smarter and I love you for that! Well, hey this is all I can think of right now. I am only Nicole. Not that smart :) Talk to you later!! Nikki Hey, i know a [Dusky]. didnt i always tell you you had way too much time on your hands...some things never change (kidding ;). i liked the site, but i have question...do you have teeth? i have never seen them, so you have NO room to make fun of my smile ;) we had some good times...i miss them. dont forget about me, k? dont you owe me some letters or something??? siempre recuerdas :que hace el pez en el agua? hee hee...nada. that still makes me smile, so next time you're down...think to yourself about el pez, k?! {S hand} tu guerita, Hi! Sr. Dusky. I LOVE your site. It's the best I have seen so far. I've read every single word, and every single word is like poetry. While reading your site, I was captivated. Making sure I didn't miss a word. That's what you do, Enrigue. You keep me on my toes, never knowing what to expect. I Love the way you can share everything you are, everything you believe in, everything you have been through, without holding back, with such Honesty and Truth. You are GIFTED!! [Dusky], the way you express your emotions and your experiences, it's just AMAZING. I haven't known you for very long, but what I do know is that you are SPECIAL! yo bro,your website kicks ass.um... i never say much in these comment things so,um,keep kicking ass and i'll keep pimping ass;) [Dusky] ke te puedo decir, mas que se ve que pusiste mucho de ti en esta pagina para hacerla lo que es, me encanto, deveras que eres un chavo super sensacional. yo se que no tienes la mejor impresion de mi pero aunque no lo creas yo te estimo muchisimo.....nunca cambies. TE QUIERE MUCHO!!!! (la ingreida) ::winks:: hmmm....this page is the best i have seen yet...it's awesome. i don't think i've finished reading everything yet. it it soo detailed. but i like that. i like how it has love and sadness and it just tells a lot about the person. i think this page is one of the best webpages out of all of my friends i have ever seen. i am not just saying this to suck up or anything. i am being very honest. :) i for sure will pass this address on to all of my friends so they can enjoy it and sign the book. i love how you have all of ur fave lyrics on the page. Hi [Dusky]...whussup? well i sure will come back again. bye! well what can i say.... you know i like this page a lot... i keep on coming back. I am your sis but i guess we dont talk much.. there's so many things i didnt know from you. I do know you're smart honest and you care for others (well sometimes .... lets not forget you have a car but yet i have to walk home from work) and as you said... the !@#$%^ MTA has been on strike for almost a month!!!!!!!!! To all the girls out there... i want to say that if you dont like my bro.. its cause youre blindddddddddd..... you know how were always looking for the right guy to come along.. well he's him!!!!!!!! anyways thats it for now..... I'll come back soon........ ooooohhhhhh by the way [Dusky] when are you going to include MY love story... i have a bunch of them.... !!!!!!!!!!! email me for an interview!!!!!!! BYE!!!!! Hola Amigo!!! Loved your website. You really outdid yourself. It was a little sad in the love hurts section. But hey like I said, if Iwasn't married, lived in L.A.......who knows :) Well, Adios Amigo. You did a great job, congratulations! WHAT CAN I SAY THAT NO ONE ELSE HAS SAID ALREADY :)I GUESS IT TAKES SOME COURAGE TO BE HONEST IN LIFE! WHAT DO I MEAN WELL NOT EVERY ONE WILL TALK ABOUT THERE LOVE LIFE, MUCH LESS ABOUT THERE FAMILY AND THERE STRUGLES,UNLESS YOU ARE HONEST, LOVING AND CARRING! :) LIKE I SAID MY KINF OF GUY. THANKS [Dusky] FOR SHARING THIS PAGE WITH ME I LEARNED QUITE A BIT ABOUT YOU, I READ DEEP IN TO YOUR THOUGHTS AND SOUL IT MIGHT SOUND STRANGE BUT I DID! :) I CAN HONESTLY SAY THAT YOU HAVE A FRIEND THAT WILL ALWAYS BE THERE IF YOU SHOULD EVER NEED ONE FIND ME AS I AM RIGHT AROUND YOUR HEART. :) AND TO ALL OF YOU THAT ARE FORTUNATE TO KNOW A PERSON SUCH AS Sr Dusky, TRASURE IT AS FOR IN LIFE THERE ARE ONLY VERY FEW OF US WHO WILL CROSS YOUR PATH AND VALUE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU! Ahem..once i again ill try to sign it...Oh tommy your site is FABULOUS! Make it be known that a pig's orgasm last 30 minutes thing was from me...:) heehee..neways...enough said..right? maybe this time my comment will stay here..trying to keep it real still so ill just stop now:) xoxo Here I am again man, I just wanna say that your page sux now that you took of my share of it, well at least you compensate with those pix from the lowrider show..if you know who is reading this im talking about the cars ok:)Nahh man you just keep making your site more iteresting, it was cool how you almost became a gangbanger, and how you got your butt overhere, but N E ways, i think everyone already said it... keep up the good work man and may be one day I'll hire you as my personal web designer, how does 3 bucks an hour sounds to you?:) laterz. hello its me maria you remember me well i like your web and it was really good , i really dont know what to say but keep up the good work and talk to you later ok bye bye I see you have a nother Nicole in your life...LOL.... well anyways, your site is great, and the stories actually brought tears to my eyes. You definately have an awesome way with words, which is more than I can say for myself. I know that I'll be talking to you soon, and I wish you the best in your life, you've obviously been through a lot, and i hope for you to have only only you deepest and most sincere dreams. You are a very special man, and you deserve it. Always, Well i love your homepage. I cant beleive that it brought tears to me eyes by the storie that you have told. I think that you are a very interesting person in my opion. I really loved the storys and how you talked about your familia (its shows your a family man) which is an awesome thing. Well just want to tell you that i loved the whole thing!!!!!!!!!! This is a very interesting page. I had never read something so nice coming from a guys point of view. Nice to know that their are still nice guys out there who have nice feeling and actually seem to think with the right head before they speak. Yours is the most innovative of all personal pages, I am very proud of having you as my brother, wish I was there to share those moments with you. Thank you for expressing Our honest truth hola joven... no se porque me quede con la curiosidad de volver a leer tu pagina... es la mas excepcional que he leido en todo el tiempo que he estado en linea! muchas felicitaciones para ti... ojala y sigas escribiendo mas, porque esta rekete-interesante! y que paso con la smiley ok?! portate bien! ~~arianna Hello,this first night we met, we started out in chat room, a some not of a normal conversation to cut downs, not so nice remarks, misunderstandings, and by the end of the night, we were chatting likes friends. As I read your webpage, I realized that u r a teacher ass., which i told u I was one, too. I also mentioned about u working with 20 kids, and u mention that om your web site. I REALLY didn't know that! I freaked! I, myself work as a sub, at a school, and I go to college to get my degree on Dental Hygiene. WE have some come surroundings(I'm not hiting on u)I as read your web site, I like what i read about you and your LIFE!:) Hey, it's me again.... (c: Anyways, i like this updated page too.... all except there's no pics...... (c: The only problem I have is: all the backgrounds on my comp are gray... and your letters are orange, so it makes it kinda hard to read. I gotta highlight everything, lol. Anyways... just to let you know, yes.... they were all for you, and I'll talk to you later! Be Good, Hey D! is me again, the frequent visitor of this page:) Well dude i just want to tell you that you are kicking butt here, everytime i visit your page to check for updates i find out that the page is even better than the last time. You know i can even relate to a lot of stuff, some of it you might have an idea of what it is, some of it you dont. Well what actually made me come here and sign your guest book again was one of your open letters "Stranger" Why? because i can relate to that much more than you can imagine. Dude i think you deserve much props for that letter because it takes balls to write soemething like that and actually mean it, i know trust me. Well like always is good to see that you are up to good on this thing and hope to see it get better. laterz! I JUST HAVE TO SAY ONE THING. THAT I LOVE YOUR WHOLE WEB~SITE. ITS DEEP AND I LIKE IT. I loved reading your page. You seem like a really incredilble person. I really enjoyed chatting with you and hope to hear from you soon. Keep on being your crazy self. I read your web site, and I want to thank you for your honesty, because you helped me be honest with my self about my fears, and because of it I'm a little less scared of what the future has in store for me. I will not let a moment of madness, lead me to a life time of sadness, I have to keep going. LOL, u probably think I'm crazy, (I'm probably just PMS'n, u know how us girls get emotional that time of the month), and have no idea of where I'm coming from, but that's okay. =) thanks La Bashful its me again.yes...i do check up on your site to see if it sucks anymore than it already does:)joking man,anyways i just wanted to tell you how much i appreciate your advice you give me.adios.... Great website man! Sounds like you have led a very interesting life. Would love to chat with you sometime. Hi [Dusky], I hope you still remember me =D,..I just wanted to let know that I read your "Pad" and I liked it,..your so creative. Keep up the good work.Hope you put more stuff in it,.for example pics. of you and your fam.Thankyou for your comment that you put for me.I really had a great time when you would come.I still remember those days.I also wanted to thankyou for showing me alot of stuff from the net. that I didn't know before.You where a big help. I know it has been a very long time that we haven't spoken to each other.But I will keep writing to you in here, if you wouldn't mind. Well I had to come back for more. This web site keeps me intrigued. It still has [Dusky]'s soft touch and beautiful everyday stories. [Dusky] the hero? [Dusky] the sympathetic? [Dusky] the gentleman? Hmm only the women who have been with him would know. Don't change dude. Well my dear homeboy, there is no stoping you from amazing me with your page. Hey bro i want to thank you once again for your help, and as a reward pretty soon you will find something in your mail...no no is not a picture of me, you dont deserve that much:) how does a porn clip sounds to you eh? good huh? lol well i'll talk to you latez dude. Hi, I loved reading your web site :) I think I went through a whole box of kleenex by now. Anyways just wanted to tell you that you're a very interesting person, where do you live again? Just Kidding. I like that sense of humor. I'll come back whenever I need a good laugh.. or a good cry. :) *kisses* Hey..how is it going? okay here...I just came back to your site. I haven't been here for awhile, sorry, but I love it. The pixs, the stories, everything, I love it. Anyways I just wanted to tell you to keep up the good work. So umm I'll get going now..bye :o) HOLA, PUES MIRA NO HE TNIDO EL PLACER DE KONOCERTE NI TANSIKIERA POR AKI, PERO I HOPE KESOON TENGA LA OPPORTUNIDAD DE PLATIKR KONTIGO, PUES POR LO KE HE VISTO & LEEIDO AKI EN TU WEBSITE ERES UNA PERSONA MUY HERMOSA, I LOVE YOUR WEBSITE GRACIAS A MY KUÑADITA ALEJANDRA (LUV YA GURL)POR AVERME MANDAD SU SITE DE ELLA Y ASI PODER VER LA TUYA. SABES APENAS HE VISTO 2 KE 3 Y CREEME KE I WAS AMAZED, KETALENTO TE KARGAS, YO PUDE ASER RELATE MUCHO KON L DE TUS PARENTS FUE LA PRIMERAK ISE READ Y ME PUSE A CHILLAR ESTA BIEN LINDA, KE BUENO KE TU SI VALORAS A TUS PARENTS Y LO DEMUESTRAS AHORA KUANDO AUN LOS TIENES,BUENO MY NEW FRIEND ALRATO VUELVO AKI A TU LIBRO PUES VOY A SEGIR RADING TUS HISTORIAS TAN INTERESANTES KE TIENES mu@@@@@@@@@ ESPERO TENER LA OPORTUNIDAD DE CHARLAR KONTIGO SOMTIME LULU HEY KE PASA? PUES I'M BACK AGAIN =). I COULDN'T STAY AWAY SABES I STARTED READING YOUR STORIES ABOUT 5 OR 6 HOURS AGO Y LA VERDAD TENIA MUCHISISIMO SUEÑO, PERO I JUST COULDN'T GO TO BED ASTA KE TERMINARA DE LEER EVERYTHING Y ME DEJASTES PIKADA KIERO MAS KIERO MAS LOL. DEVERAS KE TE FELICITO U DID A GREAT JOB. TODO TE SALIO DE MARAVILLA. AS U WILL BE ABLE TO SEE THE 1ST TIME KE VINE AKI A TU GUEST BOOK PUES NO AVIA LEIDO ALL YOUS STORIES OR ELSEI WOULD OF KNOWN KE TUS 3 SISTERS SE LLAMAN ALEJANDRA POR SI NO REKUERDS EN MI LAST MESS. DIJE KE MI CUÑADA ALJANDRA ME AVIA DICHO DEL SITE PUES I GOTTA MAKE MYSELF CLEAR IT WAS JANDY =). I LOVE IT THANX TO READING YOUR SITE ME SIENTO KOMO KE LOS KONOSKO BIEN A TODO/AS USTEDES. BUENO PUES AHORA SI ME VOY A LA MIMIS BUT BELIEVE ME I WILL BE BACK =). KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK XOXOXOXOXO LULU Hey, i'm baaaaaaack!!!!! You miss me? ::thinking, "please say yes, please say yes":: You taught me well. I read your stuff. I like it all. You are really good with words.I come around to see if there is anything new, cause you know, i enjoy reading your experiences. So did i kinda get a little feeling in one of the stories i read of some kind of faith in...dare i say it? God...??? hmmmm.....Well anyway, i'll drop by to see what's new. See ya around. ::winks:: I just wanted to say that ive really enjoyed your web site especially your childhood photos..... you're a guy with talented writing skills... an all around good guy. So for all you girls out there that have the honor and privledge of really getting to know [Dusky], treat him good or ill have to come and hunt you down.:)..Keep the good work up [Dusky]. I hope that we'll always remain friends.:)..just remember that theres one person out here that thinks the world of you.:):)..ladies im sure he's blushing right about now..:)..but whomever gets to spend time with him....you wont ever regret it!:O yeah so im the first one to sign your book after your recent renavation of you site! lol well D. im proud of calling you my hoe lol jk naah this place is kicking like usual....but im still waiting for that hidden link to you know where:) or did you already put it up? if you did then it is really hidden:) ok then so...good work...i hope there is more people like you in this country:) Hi do you remember me? Probably not, I'm so jelous of you [Dusky], HAHAHAHAHAH you thought I was going to tell you why right.Your figure it out, it's what every human wants. Any ways I love your site mijo keep it up okay. Adios Cristina AKA "La Bashful" Hey I kinda got lost, and I accidently stumbled unto your webpage.. I was looking for Starbucks ::*wink*:: ..wanted to find you.. but this is all I found of you. I like what you did to this place. A little bird told me that my piggy helped..b-t-w... he's the birdie. :) Ok well sorry about last time you IM'd, I left my comp. on w/o my away message.. dont think that I was ignoring you. How could i do such a thing? Ok well I took advantage in signing this guestbook to tell you all of that.. keep up the good work.. and dont be afraid to say hi.. like someone said to me last time.. I WONT BITE. *wink* ~kisses~ Hey [Dusky], I just wanted to tell you that I love your web page. You're a great writer. Keep up the good work. ..winks.. "See ya in the next posada 2001.. kisses =0) Take Care [Dusky]...... [Dusky]....... [Dusky].......... consider yourself lucky to be my friend jajajaja j/k i mean consideryourself lucky to be able to express your feelings in a way that at least one person can identify with you and understand you and that your writing is amazing.......okay enough mushy stuff.........ay [Dusky] ur site just gets better and better can i marry you now?!?!?! ji ji no pero en serio ya....... eres un super amigo y te quiero un monton =) tu amiga por siempre, P.S: you're my only number 4 ::winks:: HEY, HANDSOME....I LIKE YOUR LATEST ADDITIONS TO YOUR SITE AND THE BACKGROUND CHANGE....ITS COOL....STILL YOUR ONE AND ONLY....:)...::SHE WINKS::...WELL, YOU STILL HAVENT PUT PHOTOS SO THAT EVERYONE CAN SEE HOW HANDSOME YOU REALLY ARE...LOL...ALL MY HUGS AND KISSES...TAKE CARE AND KEEP SMILING....:o) Sorry Hun, I had no idea we had unfinished BIZ, if you are still up for it :), you know I am there! Just one request when I am at your door Papi...Please don't hide *) MZ Sunshine can be at it's brightest outside your door at any given time! What do you say?? P.S: I love all the new updates thanks for remembering me!! I LOVE THE LATEST CHANGES TO YOUR WEB SITE...BILLY JEAN AND THAT CRAZY LOOKING GUY AT THE BEGINNING TO ENTER...PRETTY COOL...IT BROUGHT A BIG SMILE TO MY FACE...YOU NEVER CEASE TO SUPRISE ME MY HANDSOME FRIEND...:)...KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK AND IM STILL WAITING FOR THOSE PIX OF YOU....BUT IN A WAY I GUESS ITS GOOD BECAUSE I WOULDNT WANT ALL THESE WOMAN TO FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU...:)...::SHE WINKS, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN::...AS ALWAYS STILL THINKING OF YOU...:)....CHOW HOPE YOUR SMILING...:) Looks like we made it They said, "I bet they'll never make it" Ain't nothin' better We beat the odds together They said, "I bet they'll never make it" :winks: Hi [Dusky].....I just wanted to say that I read your page and i think its very nice. You are a very talented writer...Keep up the good work...Good Luck I'm a 22 yr. old from san antonio, Texas and I saw you in a chat and looked to see if you had a profile, then i came into your web page. I loved it, i cried and laughed. You seem like a really awesome guy. It's nice to know that not all guys are jerks like i thought. Wish there was more guys like you, the guys i meet always end up hurting me. You are the kind of guy that's too good to be true. Take Care and Good Luck in everything that you do. May God Bless you always. XOXOXOXOX I've been searching 4 U, I heard a cry within my soul, I've never had a yearning quite lik this before, Now that U are walking right thru my door. All of my life where have U been? I wonder if I'll ever see U again, & if that day comes I know we could win, I wonder if I'll ever see U again. A sacred gift of heaven, 4 better worse, where ever, & I would never lt somebody break U down until U cried, never. At everytime I've always known that U where there, upon your throne A lonely king without his queen I longed 4 U, my LOVE 4 ever. All of my life where have U been? I wonder if I'll ever see U again, & if that day comes I know we could win. :::wonders:: Let me start by saying...your page has got to be the best personal web page I've seen and I am very impressed. You are very gifted and it has been a pleasure to read through your stuff. Keep up the good work! Besos y abrazos all the way from Ohio! Delfina Zapata You cannot quit me so quickly The space between the tears we cry is the laughter that keeps us coming back for more But, will I hold you again? With strange allies, with waring hearts what a wild-eyed beast you be But, will I hold you again? Look, at us spinnin' out in the madness of a rollercoaster The space between where you smile and hide, that's where you'll find me if I get to go ~ThE AmAzInGlY TaLeNtEd DaVe MaTtHeWs Hey, i figured it out... Ay that was a really neat web I was impressed. Well I would really like to chat with u someday. Take-care Heyy [Dusky]! I was bored today so I decided to check out your web page again, since I hadn't seen it in awhile. I read almost everything in there, and all I can say is wow!!! Your page is looking pretty awesome. Also, through reading all the different stories etc that you have written, it made me miss talking to you. We used to have some fun times talking on here, and I was just reminiscing about those times when I read through your page. We go back a couple years now. I got to witness first hand what exatly went on in Copa, and I am glad I got to do so, because to hear you talk about your love for an Enid is so beautiful and inspiring, and I got to see it develop throughout the summer of '99. You are truly a great guy and I wish you the bet of everything in your life. Never forget me, I certainly won't forget you :) HERE I AM AGAIN DUSKY,...LOVED YOUR LATEST STORY. :) I READ EVERYTHING ELSE AGAIN TOO... YOU'RE SO AMAZING AND TALENTED. (don't get more conceided than you already are, ok?... lol) HOPE YOU NEVER FORGET THE NIGHT WE SPENT TALKING ON THE PHONE FOR 6 HRS. :) I KNOW I'LL NEVER FORGET. :) (don't think i've ever talked to anyone else on the phone that long) FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART I WISH SOMEDAY YOU FIND LOVE AND HAPPINESS. YOU DESERVE THE BEST! CUIDATE MUCHO!! LOVE ALWAYS, Supperz [Dusky]? Mira primero ke nada, let me tell you that your site esta PERRONA :). It has made me cry and laugh, just like you do in IMz. Ahora si let me get my box of Kleenex because I think I'm gonna cry again. I'll never forget that Saturday, siendo el primer dia ke hablabamos en IM and you made me cry...I guess in a way it has brought us close...not only that pero porke you shared one of your tears with me tambien. I still remember the day I went to visit your sister, never will I forget that day :) I also wanna say thanx for always making me feel special, ya ke no todos son komo tu :) Y komo dices tu " I dig I dig :)" Bueno [Dusky] mejor ya me kayo, pos no kiero hablar de mas :) So, just never change y espero ver una story de mi aki en tu site...lol j/k... muaaaaaaaaaa buh byez With love and respect always (with wings..lol), Hey Dusky, here i am AGAIN and just wanted to say hello. You're an amazing person and a very talented writer.But i'm sure you knew that. LOL Don't forget that you still owe me a phone call. Had a huge long distance phone bill from those 2 calls i made to you, but.... it was worth it. :-) Well take care of yourself! Be Good! :-) Love Always, hey whats up? i know right now your wondering who the hell i am but i ask for you pic last night in the chat room and . anyways well just wanted to let you know that your a wonderful person. it would be a dream come true to meet a guy like you. i mean your stories are so juicy and its like almost too good to be true .last night when i was checking out your page i like got hooked on the stories you wrote about your senor y senora i burst into tear the words you said the things you did it moved me in so many ways. its like i had to tell you the way i felt . i would have never known that you'd be that kind of person. (the songs you put in the page are tight) Always, Hey Chamaco.... Your pages are not only great, but definetely a tribute for those Latino americans ; who really had to bite the bullet and make do with whatever they had to survive. I am from San Juan , Puerto Rico...35 years old, and reside in a small town in the west side of Florida. here the people are warm, affectionate, and always willing to help you. Since I got here...I have learned things about myself , that I would never have learned back home...because this is part of the real world. I have encountered from bliss, to ignorance, to hate, to love...also I have met family that wasn't my blood, but acted like it. I lost a spiritual brother because of AIDS...and almost lost my sanity, because of Bi-Polar manic deppression. I found a place thatI call home..and is also the place I want to die. Im not a professional nor graduated scholar like you...but i sincerely hope for my dream of art and writing, to continuee the legacy of my blood (there is a famous Puertorrican Writer/Poet/politician from whom I descend directly). Your pages are a true inspiration , for those like me...who are hanging in the hope for that "precious moment"...OH yes!! I had my 15 minutes of fame and glory already...but I want to give back to the new generations...I want to be capable or loving, and serving the children; in the ways I wasn't loved...or noticed!!! Dios te bendiga Papo!!! Ache' Andros Aluche Its been almost seven months since i last visited your web page. Its beautiful and funny. I hope you get your wish soon to become a teacher. Your web page has changed for the better and it looks like youre doing ok. Well old friend i hope to visit back soon. Take care sweety. Hola Dusky! here i am again...looking so see if you have anything new. well i'm still waiting for that e-mail telling me that i have something coming in the mail for me. LOL :-) It's okay if I don't end up getting anything from you...the phone calls were worth it. :-) Well i hope you are doing good....i've been alright. miss talking to you sometimes but then again it felt kind of awkward the last time we talked. I didn't even know what to say. :-) I guess it's because we didn't talk for so long and that kind of hurt me. Bueno...cuando quieras escribeme...i would love to hear from you. Cuidate mucho. Love always, Hey cutie... I like your guestbook. You seem cool, but I don't know what you are, nationality-wise, I didn't read your info. =) My screen name is Pink Boogers, so, put my name on your buddylist, fo sho. I'll IM you right now, so... k-bye. XoXo me dio gusto encontrar tu pagina y espero tengamos mas contacto de ahora en adelante. Hey, [Dusky], im waiting for the new stuff, dont make me beg. See i still remember you, do you know who i am? Anyway, i'll be checking again, so i best see something new. bye *winks* Que onda, si muy impresionado por la red local verdad? que buena esta tu pagina, ehhhhhh Hey Dusky....como estas? Espero que bien. I'm doing pretty good. Just here seeing if there's anything new. As always, I love your site.Bueno te dejo por ahora, hope you write back sometime just to let me know how you are doing. Take Care and Be Good! Love, Hey Sr Dusky I give you mad props on your site it's hella firme. Visit mine sometime and sign my guestbook. I love the letters you have in here. It seems like if you really wrote them from your heart. we share a close friendship with a mutual friend. if anything ever happens to you or me I hope the other looks after her. I love her dearly. hope you do too. Interesting. Creative. Engaging personality and charmingly witty, to say the least. I wonder a lot about you. Why you are so inside yourself, for example. People could learn from you, if you allow yourself to be seen and heard. But to each his own, as the cliche goes. Impressive. I've downloaded some pages to better understand because, in a way, your writing portrays you differently, which is not bad. It just causes me to wonder about the type of person you are. Who are you really, Mr. Cafe? :) I'll study the papers and find out. Well dusky.. Ive known you for a while now.. and everytime I talk to you, you make my smile grow bigger. Thanks. I am always here in your "pad" trying to see whats new, I love your stories, with them I laught, smile, and one or two have almost made me cry. Your a good writer, and I know you will succeed.. just dont forget to stop by and say a quick "Hello" to your first fans...lol. Good Luck! sincerely, Hey, what's up? Well here i am........ again!!!! :-) I love coming in here to read your stories, even if i've already read them. Tienes mucho talento. Espero que un dia encuentres amor y felicidad! You deserve that and much more. Take care of yourself! Write back and say 'hello' someday. Tu Amiga, YOUR STORIES BRING TEARS TO MY EYES, I TO AM IN LOVE. I ONLY PRAY THAT IF ONE DAY I LOSE MY LOVE I WILL HAVE THE COURAGE AND WILL TO KEEP GOING LIKE U HAVE :) Tommy, ive known you forever now right? we've had our ups and downs..on an up right now.. thank god.. but truely, your site rocks.. i say that now and mean it because i know how much time and effort it takes to make such an intricate yet amusing site.. so rock on.. I am still waiting for my own story in here. One day, one day.. heehee.. and you think the porn section was hidden.. ill leave you with this quote by John Mayer just cause i think it has depth :).. "Well i never lived the dreams of the prom king or the drama queens, I'd like to think the best of me is still hiding up my sleeve." thats a really cool page... its a good laugh. thanks .::.Hey Dusky!.::. Well i just met you and you seem like a very firme person to talk to! I like your site, keep doing good! Well this hynita gots to bounce and with one hug one kiss she's out like diz....PUFF..... P.S. Check Out My Site: www.maliciouzconduct.cjb.net Just checking out your pad.. I love it. Take Care of yourself... love ya Nice ass page mijo. I give you mad props for it. E-mail me back. I still have the post you put on my web page and it's still tripping me out. Take Care, WAZ UP DUSKYYYYYYY FIRST OF ALL I WANNA BE UR BROTHER IN LAW [I LIKE UR SISTER LA GUERA]. BESIDES THAT I DONT WANNA SAY ANYTHING. LOL HEY TU PAGINA ESTA CHINGONA WEY Y PUES ESO ES TODO. Dusk Man....que te puedo decir mas que I think I check out your site like 3 times a week! (KaCHiZ has no life hehe) Its ok though, I love it here! Your love letter make me wanna cry ::sniff:sniff:: and your bumper stickers and "No es lo Mismo" make me wanna pee my pants, ok no tanto pero they make me laugh! =D Keep up the good work you got an "A" for the semester! LoLzZ !!MuahS!! Love you! PS: Why is it that for everything you have an answer? Are you God? ((Umm Nah I didn't think so)) So what is it?? Dusky , well I just wanted to thank you for all the advice you've given me and for always putting up with me... Thanks a lot. Que dijiste esta mendiga nunca va a escribir en mi pagina , pues mira que sorpresota...Gracias por ser un buen amigo , por estar ahi cuando necesite a alguien ... Tambien por siempre darme animos, when i was feeling down.=) Se que casi no entro a Aol, pero pues lol tu sabes los deberes...lol. Lol sabes se que te eh dicho esto pero lol pues ahi te va otra vez,lol al principio me caiste gordo, es mas pense que eras bien sangron, y mira ahora ,lol eres uno de mis buenos amigos...Aunque la gente no entienda porque te aguanto , hmmm no mas yo se porque....y yo que ya mero perdia tu amistad por algo que duro tan poquito... Pero sabes ahora estoy sonriendo=)El amor me ah regresado y yo que dije que nunca pasaria y tu siempre diciendome que habia mas hombres... gracias por tu amistad.. Ahhhh una cosa mas , si hay faltas en lo que escribi nimodo ,lol aguantate... LOL!!!! It had been such a long time since I had been here... everything is still great! It's been an even longer time since I've talked to you. I hope everything is going great... you deserve it. Cuidate mucho! :-) Oh man!, how has this place changed since the last time I was here which was like...mmmm.. yesterday?lol nah its been a while. I must say I'm pleasently surprised man. I really like this layout, better than all the other ones you've had, Its classy and with style....like me:) Haven't talked to you in a while too, I hope you have not forgotten me....(shrugs) that was kinda gay huh? well As you can see I'm still checking on my hoes:) NE ways man, keep it up, talk you later. Where in the freaken world esta el hidden porn section guey???? esta perronsilla tu web cabron, porke nunca me lo havias dicho ke tenias una web page inche tamarinda, lol, o wel carnal keep up with ur writing homie, me encanto leyendo el desmadre ke escrives, se me cuida, latezzzzzz I loved your Web Page, and you know I did! You were there with me every step of the way while I was reading your every story, and letters! I know I've told you how awesome it they are. You are very talented, and I am glad that your children have someone as great as you to guide them through life. I think it's absolutely terrific how you express your feelings for an old love, but what's even more how your love for your family flows from you to your writing. Well, I think I'm already making this letter a little to long. I just want to thank you for the good time you gave me while reading your page, and thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most. I hope I can return the favor, and I also hope we continue to be friends for a long time! Love you always, Hey old friend, do you remember me? How are you? I hope you've been good. Well I've been coming back every couple of days for the past few weeks, because I just want to read your stories and letters over and over again. Just noticed today that you updated your "About Dusky.." where I found out about your FWB. I hope you are somewhat happy, because that's all I've ever wanted for you. You deserve to be happy! It's been so long since we've talked and I just wanted to know how you were doing. Looks like you're doing good. :-) AS ALWAYS, I LOVE YOUR WEB SITE! YOU KNOW I'VE ALWAYS THOUGHT IT WAS THE BEST! IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW..LOL..YOU ARE VERY TALENTED! Guess that's all for now. Take Care of yourself! an old friend (who i hope you haven't forgotten) Hey! I came to your site and read your journal thing. I just saw your latest one, and I COULDN'T STOP LAUGHING!!!! My 2 1/2 yr. old cousin says it exactly like that ..."spobop...warepants". It's so funny how little kids pronounce it. green eyes,short brown hair and very out going loves to party alot height5'2 weight110 HMMMM, WELL IJOLE SABES ME TUVISTE ENTRETENIDA FOR THE PAST HALF HOUR . COMO AHORA NO SALI A LONCHE PUES NO TENIA NADA QUE HACER. SO ME PUSE A VER LOS WEBSITES. Y DE REPENTE QUE ME ACUERDO DE TU PAGINA.. AND U KNOW HOW MUCH I ENJOY READING ABOUT YOU AND WHAT GOES ON IN YOUR HOUSE.=) YES YES IM AT WORK, EN ALGUNAS DE TUS AVENTURAS LOL ME TENIAS A PURA RISA. BUENO YA ME VOY PORQUE YA ME PASE DE MI HORA. TALK TO U LATER.... HEY DONDE AS ESTADO CONDENADO , CUANDO ENTRO CASI NO TE VEO! [Dusky] I'm just here in class showing my platoon about your great page! just felt like saying hi! love ya, Eliana I came across your website by accident and ever since I've been quite curious as to your daily adventures. I live in Florida now, but was born and raised in Cali. Anyhow....am I who has you puzzled? Thanks for a very cool website. Hasta pronto y buena suerte con todo. Claudia, thanx for visiting my site. In my old age I won't have to rely solely on my memory to be reminded of the joy and sadness I experienced when I was 24 years old. I'll have a written account of it, thanx to the curiosity of visitors like you who return for more... thereby inciting me to write more. Thank you. Nice website ... ur a little crazy... really fresh.. im wondering if ur over 24... u seem pretty cool for some reason .... laters. Thank you, Sofia, for visiting my humble abode. Hey what's up? Its me noelia. Lets see um we met like maybe 2 years ago. Still haven't forgotten you. Your journal is entertaining. Made me laugh. Eres unico. peace You are too funny... it feels good to peak into your journal. Pulls me away from the stress of everyday life. Gracias por ser tan gracioso. I want to just heartily congratulate you on your site Dusky! I found it through the comments you made on Iz's blog and I gotta hand it to ya man, awesome work here. I'll be signing in to keep up with Dusky's pad on a regular basis ... Good Job! Great looking blog amigo...and perfect use of the "butt" picture. LOL I got you linked on my blog, I'll be checking out the pad again in the future. [Dusky], here I am again reading your crazy stories again. I shared them again with my friends here in rotc!! i hope to talk to you soon. your friend Eliana Good ****, Cuzz The name is how I found this website. Although I find it entertaining, I'd like to know a little more about you and how you got your name! Hey [Dusky], HEY, HACE MUCHO QUE NO TE VISITO. SOLO DEJAME DECIRTE QUE YA ME HORINABA DE LA RISA CON LO QUE LEI DEL FIRE DRILL. I READ IT TO MY CO-WORKER AND SHE WAS LAUGHING. SHE SAID THAT YOU SHOULD BECOME A WRITER, YOU HAVE A VERY CREATIVE MIND , LOL AND ACTUALLY RIGHT THE TRUTH. AND BELEIVE ME WE DO EXPECT THE PARENTS TO ACT LIKE THAT IF THE BIG ONE EVER HITS.MAYBE THEY'LL ACT EVEN WORST... CUIDATE.. What a treat! Great read, Dusky! Nice website. It's entertaining and you write very well. Good luck at CSUN. I graduated from there in 2001. Sandra, thank you for visiting my site and signing my guestbook. This semester at CSUN, my second semester, is going better than the first. EPC 315 took too much time and effort out of me. Not even the senior-level courses that I'm currently taking are as demanding. And that's a good thing... I happend to stumble upon your website while I was looking for Leonardo Favio lyrics. I just wanted to let you know you have a nice website and I hope to have time in the future to visit more. Have fun at CSUN! P.S. Do you by chance have any Leonardo Favio Lyrics? Odelay! what up homie! Im not surprised to hear that your doing fine, being one of the few people in that class who had some of the answers to our classwork. Me?... I just did a random search of my name to look for some other stuff and your site came up. That blog sure did bring back some wild memories. May the science of physics forever be associated with the great "Farrito." HOLLA Hi just came across your site while searching for some lyrics. Never actually got to the lyrics but came across some thing way more interesting. I have really enjoyed reading your day events. You're a great entertainer. Easy to say that your girl is one lucky lady. Ademas de ser chistoso eres bien guapo. Good luck in all you do. Your new fan from TEXAS!!!!! Hola, Carolina. I'm trying not to say, "I dig your name" 'cause the gf can get bitchy at my slightest show of flirtation (hey, gf O-kay, having gotten that off my chest... thank you for dropping by my site. Dusky I enjoyed the "Love Hurts" story that was so much like how something in my life happened. I used to just like this guy, but knowing him this whole time, I actually love him.I don't tell him for the simple fact that I don't want to get rejected, not knowing if he feels the same. Years after I wrote it, I stand by it, love does hurt. But there's something beautiful to be said about one loving somebody. One lives for that somebody. When away from that special person, one can't wait for time to run its course. When one is with that person, one pleads time to stop and make an instant everlasting. Been there, done that... will do it again. RE: "Love Hurts," I think you're right... you may cycle through the relationships as the years go by, but you always wonder in the back of your mind if you'll be in that same special place again, where every little thing has the power to either make you feel on top of the world or like you're about to die. I think maybe you never feel that same heightened level of passion again, because let's face it: when we're young (you said 20?), all of the emotions are fueled by the hormones, right? So maybe the best we can hope for is something close. RE: Your site in general... it's a lot of fun to read. Keep the postings up! Eek, Christian. There's truth to what you state. One is haunted by memories of a past love. This happens undeliberately. Fortunately, it occurs less often as time goes on. The other day I heard my father play the same song over and over again. A song with the following theme: "Things would be much better if you hadn't left." Scary. You see, as their son, I was brought up with the idea that my mother and father were meant to be. I know that they got married when they were young, and I expect them to die married to each other. I'm also aware that although my father is my mother's first love, I know that my father had been with other women prior to being with my mother. And so, to have my father -- after more than 25 years of marriage -- still remember someone who existed in his life before my mother... saddened me for two reasons. One, thinking that he's unhappy at that moment in time. Two, because I know one day I'll be in his place. For reasons I just mentioned, I could not keep myself from crying when my father played the sad song repeatedly. The gf was with me, and instead of getting upset, she sticked by me. She supported me. And little after the song played for the last time, I was alright... Hey Quiquis, I miss talking to you and looking at your blog. Well just wrote to say hi and to send you hugs. Formerly Waterlily222444 Hi Dusky. I just wanted to email you to let you know that I enjoy visiting your website and even though you specifically wrote a message saying that you weren't going to be able to update it for a couple of days, I still can't help but visiting it just in case. I saw you at csun a couple of weeks ago. The only reason I knew it was you is because you once posted a picture on your website showing how you had lost weight. I recognized you right away and I was going to say hi and introduce myself but then I chickened out!!! Maybe next time. Anyways, good luck with the rest of the spring semester. Keep up the good job with your website. bye. -Sandra Sandra, your having spotted me in real life (as they say) has triggered some questions. What sort of person do I come off as being to someone who has never stopped to talk to me? What am I like, judging only by the way I walk or the way I stare at those walking ahead or toward me? Am I approachable or intimidating? If you've already started writing your answers to these questions, go ahead and erase them, as my questions are only rhetorical in nature. Let's make a deal, though. If you ever spot me again, just extend your hand, give me a long smile (this is very important) and say your name is Sandra. Doable? If you see me cutting our conversation short, don't be like, "Oh, shit, I scared him!" Hehe, I just hate to be late to class, so I'm excusing myself now, way ahead of time. Thanks for the E-mail, Sandra. Dusky HEY DUSKY, COMO ESTAS? ESTABA LEYENDO TU GUESTBOOK. LEI QUE PERDISTE DE PESO , LOL HABER COMO ME PREGUNTO UN GUEY A MI .LOL CUANTO PESO AS PERDIDO? INSTEAD OF THE GUEY TELLING ME YOU LOOK GOOD. JK... SO HOW'S SCHOOL? HOW'S YOUR LOVE LIFE? WELL I GOT TO GO BACK TO HELL.. LOL HABER QUE OTRO DIA TE ESCRIBO ... BY THE WAY I STILL ENJOY READING YOUR UR SITE You know, I was starting to wonder if one of my coworkers had stumbled across my site. All of a sudden, I could no longer talk shit about any one of them, 'cause well... It's good to know you're still alive, ya casi ni hablamos. Actually, do I even know you? Thanks for dropping by, girl. Dusky Hello there, I was quite entertained when my cousin typed my name into Google and this article of yours mentioned me. I do remember you, and am quite impressed and entertained by everything I've read on this site. It looks like you've grown into a highly passionate and expressive man--this is awesome!!! Just for the records, I have to defend myself because I've never smoked crack in my life! Quoting the Diva Whitney Huston, "I make too much money to ever smoke crack. Crack is whack!" After high school, I traveled around the world twice and acquired tastes for the finest wines and the finest herbs, but I never smoked something so ghetto as crack. If you're ever driving over Coldwater Canyon into Beverly Hills, take a look at the houses on the very top of the hill and if you see two mansions being built--they're mine. I'm selling one of them for $2.5M if you know anyone interested. I didn't quite become a model but I worked as smart as I can, persisted and kept praying every single day to be where I am. So please don't think of me as someone wasted on crack. I'm sorry you disliked me but we're all adults now and I know I was nuts in hgh school! Actually, I'm still pretty nuts, but it's fun! Peace and much respect, Heh, first of all.... it's good to hear from someone I went to school with. I'm sorry that what I wrote wasn't exactly flowery. You came to my mind as I was writing about high school because of a little incident that took place in the first week of 9th grade. You stood in front of me and said something to the tune of "You're sitting on my seat." I said something like "Sorry, let me find another one." As I was standing up you said, "That's the least you could do." Guess I was left scarred for life, heh. Heh, heh... this is too funny. Me talking shit on my site about former schoolmates and them finding out about it. Heh. ::shakes head:: Thanks for dropping by, Rosemary. :) Dusky I read some of your posts and letters and information about your family. You sound like a very intesting guy, partly because you're Mexican, and they just tend to have more character to them and be more open and emotional (VERY good thing) plus most of them are also VERY good looking ;) Anywayz, I REALLY enjoy your translated lyrics of Spanish songs, I'm downloading just about every single one of them (legally ofcourse), so thanks for letting me know about these good songs, and letting me know what they mean as well. Keep up the good work (and life, ofcourse) btw, if you want, visit me anytime at darkfairy.net. Tinne, I'm glad you've enjoyed the music I've showcased in my site. Stick around, there's plenty more to come... :) Dusky Hey Dusky! I'm glad you're still doing well, or so I've read, cause it's been ages since we've talked. Good to hear from you, Letty. I didn't think you were still a visitor here. Man, you got stamina! You've been a reader for so long, some people might start suspecting that the character who goes by "Letty" is actually me making sporadic postings to my own guestbook. But naw, right? :) Really, now you got me wondering what it is that I promised you. Knowing the sort of convos I was having with women in the old days, I'm thinking that perhaps I owe you one of those... thingies? Hehe. Probably not. Hmm, maybe I just owe you a phone call. That's a good, moral guess. Ah, got it. :) I just looked over my guestbook and I see that in one entry you say it's a phonecall I owe you. Less than a month later you make reference to a package coming in the mail. But wait, in that same entry you say "the phone calls were worth it." In conclusion, I made the phonecall but I never got around to mailing some package, right? Hmm, what was I supposed to send? It's not a thing that whirs, right? Hehe. Dusky Oh well, you don't remember, but that's cool. But rest assured it wasn't some thingie. LOL It had nothing to do with what you were thinking. I'll forgive you for forgetting...so maybe there's still a chance of you getting that shirt, for christmas at least. LOL You know something, every time I see something that has to do with the Chapulin Colorado at a shop or on tv I automatically think of you. I need to stop coming to your web site so much. LOL But I've been stuck on it since the very first day though, I can't help but always come back and see how you are, even after 3 1/2 yrs. XOXOXO there is a quieting excellence glowing from duskyspad that emulates dusky !!! great site, love it! I've only read bits and pieces of the pre-blog stuff. Came to it by accident looking for some lyrics and the name of a song. I've enjoyed it so far...I love the song lyrics you include now and then. [Dusky], I enjoyed your site..it's creativity and intelligence. I actually found your site because I was trying to find an essay I wrote that is on a website. What I did not enjoy is your rant on October 12th due to midterm stress. I did appreciate your movie review on Selena. I have one thing to say, my expectations are high for my students but it is because I want them to succeed in college and to take learning seriously. Good Luck in all your future endeavors;) Hello, Professor Sandoval. Prior to enrolling in your class, I never had to read or write so much. There were like three articles to read per week, each article being about 20 pages. A page-and-a-half journal was due each week (well, most weeks), for a total of ten journals. In addition, there was a four-page movie review, a five-minute cultural presentation, and the customary midterm (five-pages, take-home) and final (in-class). All for a freshman course?! Had this been one of my first college courses, it would have made me wonder if college was for me. Thank God it wasn't, or else these would be the words of a college drop-out. (Bear with me, I know I'm a drama-queen. In retrospect, having taken your course prepared me for what I'm doing this semester. This semester represents my first real shot at being a full-time student and employee. One of my courses requires me to read and write for hours on a weekly basis. Another one makes of group-activities a foundation. A third course requires me to do a five-minute presentation. Had I not taken your course last semester, I'd be more stressed than I actually am. Mine is now the seen-it, done-it attitude. That doesn't mean I've stopped having nightmares about me arriving to your class without my journal, though. Dusky P.S: You were a generous grader. Several of my classmates commented, "Oh my God, this is the worst paper I've ever written and I got an 'A'!" Oh, but I always did my best! :winks: Hi, My real name is Dusky, and I'm trying to figure out if your real name is Dusky. Hi, thanks for signing my guestbook. As to your question... no, my real name is not Dusky. But... I recall that a few years ago I jokingly commented to some people that I wanted to change my name to... Dusky One. At the time, I thought it'd be rather cool to have a three-letter last name that anyone could spell. Needless to say, I'm over it. :) Now, if you wanna know the story of how I got that name, surf on over to this entry. Again, thanks for signing my guestbook. Dusky Cool words...I enjoyed your post of Chespirito... Excellent page! You are such a poet! And Mas Que Tu Amigo is my favorite song. You are awesome!!!!!!!!!! Yup, gotta love are such a poet! And Mas Que Tu Amigo is my favorite song. You are awesome!!!!!!!!!! Hey Dusky.. just wanted to say thanks for all the good advice... and for helping out w/my paper. Also wanted to tell u, that just like sugar gathers a group of hungry ants.. ur writting attracts people hungry for good literature. Keep up the good work, we need good writers like you.. Gracias por todo. Vamonos! lol. =P Its me again... adicted to ur amazing writtings.. keep coming for more.. and thanks for mentioning me in ur page. Se te agradeze! te cuidas... and dont continue breaking girls hearts.. remember there's such thing as Karma. =) Hey i loved all your translation of all the different songs.. they are soo great.. you should include some cuisillos lyrics if you know who they are.. I read some of your things and i can pretty much relate to most of them. :) Hi, Carmen. I've heard of Cuisillos (I watch the news mainly for the soccer segment, and it's usually preceded by noticias del espectáculo) but no songs of theirs comes to mind. I'll certainly keep an eye out for them... mejor dicho, an ear open. :D Thanks for dropping by my site. Dusky I too have found inspiration in your writting! Gracias Dusky... I now join the many bloggers that occupy the internet. Buena suerte con tu blog, y siguete acordando de mi y de mi pagina. :) Dusky Hey i had to check out your website again. Ps. look up some cuisillos songs.. they have such beautifull lyrics. My favorite song is "eres impossible de olvidar" i think you will like it:) I just wanted to say thanks for bringing back a wonderful memory of my Father singing Como Fue to my Mother... Now that I have the words, I can sing it to my Love. All the way from Washington State! Just happened upon your site searching my guys Los Yonics...like what I see and what I have read so far, keep it up! I understand that you were trying to convey the message of the song, but I believe that can be done without losing the literal meaning of the words, here is my translation of the song. (un buen perdedor) But remember that I will be here in the same place And if he knew how to give you more love You don't have to pretend Although I was hoping that you'd stay And if today the wind is blowing in your favor I see your point, but my translations are meant to be my thoughts as inspired by songs I like. I refer to them as "translations" because I wouldn't want someone to give me full credit for the thoughts derived, given that the song's author's thoughts remain evident -- sometimes even prevalent. I thank you for including in this guestbook entry your own translation of the song. Many people come to my site looking for English translation of Spanish songs, and the variety might be to their liking. Dusky You're one funny guy. Keep writing! :) dog, nice site man. Two things come to mind: where do you get the lyrics to those rancheras? I've been looking for them everywhere. Also, looked up Nobel's website, it pretty weak, looks like it hasn't been updated in a while. I bet you could hook it up. I would ask around school to see who the webmaster is for the school. Do it fer tha childr'n! Thanks for the compliment. I find the lyrics through google.com. I don't search for song titles and artists: instead, I do a search using partial lyrics, sometimes making several attempts before I'm actually succesful. There are times when I have to transcribe the lyrics myself... but I don't mind it... it actually makes me feel good I'm showcasing a song that nobody else has. As to the school you mentioned... that's not where I work. A few weeks ago I was toying with the idea of making a site for the school where I work, but I'm discouraged by the idea that having people's picture on the internet (kids' pictures, at least) involves a lot of paperwork. Besides, the school where I work has a new principal, and I've been well off not interacting with her... don't wanna ruin that. Thanks again. Dusky Hey Dusky, I came across your site looking for the lyrics to Solo los Tontos by Chalinillo. Great song heh? It was also my first experience with a 'blog' (I think I have been living in the iceage lately...) and I have been following it ever since. Thanks for all your time and thoughts and work. No... thank youuuuuuu for reading. :) Stick around. Dusky Thank you for taking the time to talk about my father. I really appreciate your keeping my father's music alive, and as I see you know his nickname. I am his daughter and I really appreciate your inclusions of his music. I started listening to Julio Jaramillo's music when I was in my early teens. When I listen to his music, I can't help but wish I could play a guitar so that I could delight myself and others with a live performance of his songs. Maybe one day... :) Dusky Me gusta mucho tu pagina. Tus historias de Don Juan cazador me dan miedo, porque, asi como tu, hubo quienes se quisieron aprovechar de mi, de mi ingenuidad, pero ahora yo estoy vacunada contra todo esto que pasa en la net, de conocer gente y lo que es peor, enamorarme por la net...nell pastel, nanay. Bye. :) Creo que yo tambien ya estoy vacunado contra eso de enamorarse en la net. Ya ni siquiera frequento chatrooms. Pero como dice la Chimoltrufia, "lo más seguro es que quien sabe." Dusky Solo quiero disculparme por el mensaje anterior que deje, no habia leido tu historia de tu primer amor. Lo lei depues de haber enviado mi primer mensaje...lo siento. Habia leido sobre las chicas que habias conocido en chats...por eso pense que tu eras uno mas de esos tantos que andan por ahi haciendo daño...jejeje. Lo ultimo que escribistes en la historia de tu primer amor, hicieron que derramara lagrimas, porque asi como tu ame con toda mi alma, pero eso a el no le importo y me abandono, sabiendo que yo lo amaba, me dejo y se fue asi como si nada. Al igual que tu, yo llore dia y noche, crei que moriria de tristeza, pero con el tiempo he ido sanando. Ahora al igual que tu, me es dificil volver a amar, a creer en alguien, tengo mucho miedo! :( Al igual que tu, no estoy enamorada ahora, pero si me gustaria volver a amar algun dia. :) This is what you wrote, and made me cry. Time passed. My sadness eased VERY slowly. I'm still healing. Many women have crossed my path... wonderful women. A couple of them have even phrofessed their love for me. Unfortunately, my heart fails to cooperate. It allows me to like them, care for them, and say sincere sweet stuff to them, but it has kept me from loving them. The best I can say to them is... I do not think I'm in love with anybody right now... but I sure would love to love again... Si tuviera yo que escoger entre tener y perder, o nunca tener, preferiria nunca tener. Especificamente me refiero al amor. Prefiero vivir el resto de mi vida sin amor, que volver a tener una felicidad seguida for una larga pena. Como decia la camisa de una estudiante en la escuela donde trabajo, "Don't tease me if you can't please me." That is, if I can't be made truly happy for the rest of my life, I should be left to live the rest of my life as I've lived it the past few years, loveless but not miserable. Dusky I am a big Julio Jaramillo fan, and was hoping you might be able to answer a question for me. Who is the woman singing with him on the song "No habra perdon" on the "Amor Pasion y Sentimiento" CD? I can't seem to find any information about the song anywhere and would like to know more about her. Any help is appreciated! Thanks! Sorry, I don't know the song. Neither do I know of any woman singing with Jaramillo. The only duos I know involving Julio are those with Olimpo Cardenas and some other South American guy. Dusky Dang Dusky, Juan Gabriel está entre los grandes artistas Mexicanos de todos los tiempos. Habrá algún Mexicano que pueda decir que no hay ninguna canción de Juan Gabriel que sea de su gusto? Lo dudo. Gracias por visitar mi página. Dusky Ten cuidado, Dusky, they're on to your womanizing ways. ;-) Anywho, it's been a while since I stopped by, but you're back in my bookmarks. -Christian (now in Miami) Naw, they ain't. I got them sooo fooled! Come on, me a mujeriego? It couldn't be further from the truth. Welcome back, and stay longer this time. :D Dusky Hola, Thanks for the compliments. As to your question... my work is mainly on those artists I've already covered. Expect more Julio Jaramillo, Juan Gabriel, Leo Dan, Los Bukis, Joan Sebastian, Los Yonic's, Vicente Fernandez, etc., etc. The cream of the crop, you know? :) Dusky Just wanted to congratulate you on your page, it's just very unique. I like your spunk..the way you express yourself..and the fact that you are YOU...without needing to have anyone's approval. So... Keep up the good work... excellent work... if I must say...! Take care of u... and urs. Hasta la Pasta Dusky!! Cuideselo..ok? @(*x*)@ Lourdes Oye me fascina tu pagina, its great to see that there actually some people out there who appreciate some of the good ol music. I love Ricardo Montaner, Piero, Leonardo Favio, Eros Ramazotti, Francis Cabrel, Franco De Vita, and all of the greats. Thank you for sharing your love of music... I had a great love in my life who taught me the love of music we are no longer together but we still love our music. I was searching for an old teacher - UT - and came upon your post. He was one of the brightest spots in my four years of hell. Thank you for sharing that he helped you too. He's one hell of a teacher. :) wow! i really enjoyed reading your page. its insightful, and yet you keep it humorous... it was a pleasure to read! keep it up, i will be returning... maria :-* aka nymphogirl69 Enjoyed your credo & letters to mom & dad; found your website while searching for a definition of "******dera". A Mexican restaurant in Montreal has a sign saying "No ******deras" & we wondered what it meant! loved it, you took me back way back! the truth is i was looking at a website on Vicente Fernandez and came across your site(my all time FAV I actually learned alot of spanish just hearing his music)anyway thank you for puting a smile on my face on a friday afternoon i will be back to ck U out soon! ♦just got off of work it's like 1am and i try to keep my sisters' surfing clean and if anything weird pops up i investigate and well we talk about it. For example about a year ago one of my sisters was looking up things about ppl who cut themselves for releif of stress or somethign like that. Well as it turns out one of her friends was doing that and well at first she thought of trying it but then opted to help her. Well anyhow to make an already long story short, that is how i came across your page and well i'm hooked. This page is defenitly something i'll come back to and recommend.♦ Encontre tu pagina buscando letra de Julio Jaramillo. Me parecen interesantes tus traducciones de muchas canciones, asi mas personas las pueden apreciar. Pero eso si Dusky, eres un super-mega-recontra cursi! Ni quien te aguante de lo canson!!! Oh, you're just hatin' 'cause I'm well in touch with my feminine side. Thanks for dropping by. Dusky Hey Dusky I would like to thank you for posting up the english lyrics to Navidad Sin Ti. That song is the bomb. Feliz Navidad and Prospero Año Nuevo. Such a depressing song to be listening to this time of year, no? But beautiful it is. It's one of the "clasicas" by Los Bukis. I'm glad glad you appreciate its inclusion in my site. Dusky Hey Dusky, I simply love how you translate the words of Julio Jararmillo into words we can all understand. I, too, consider him a big idol of mine for the two reasons being that I grew up listening to his unforgettable boleros and being an Ecuadorian native myself. Even though I had my way of completely understanding his lyrics, with your help I've come to learn what he meant by them. Dusky, I've written this post to ask if you wouldn't mind helping me translate one song you've forgotten to translate: "Nuestro Jaramumento." Please e-mail me any response that comes to mind. I'm really not looking for a partnership, it's just that "Nuestro Juramento" is one of my favorite songs, and it was kinda dissapointing that you have yet to translate it. Thanks for the compliments, Greg. Consider yourself served. Dusky hi i just wanted to say that i really like your website and i enjoy it a lot it has alot of cool songs that i my self like and that brings me really good memories and sad memories but anyways congrats on you site and good luck and i also wanted to say keep up the good work. Something most people will find surprising is that I don't even listen to music much. When I turn on the radio, I do it to listen to Spanish talk-shows, especially sports shows. In the rare event that I hear a song from my childhood/teenagehood, I search for its audio and lyrics and bam, another entry is made to "Dusky's Pad." I hate to toot my own horn, but I think I'm my site's biggest fan. Thank you for signing my guestbook. Please continue to visit my site. I'm not writing as much as I used to, but there's plenty to be read browsing through the entries I've made over the years. Dusky Dude you listen to Olimpo Cardenas? You are the man. I got into that musix cuz it's my grandad's music. Carefull though too much and it'll make you really depressed. Drinking music is good once in a while. Tell me about it! Fortunately, as I mentioned in the preceding guestbook entry, I'm not one to listen to music much. Furthermore, I don't drink. However, if I were a habitual listener of that music and I drank, bam, I'd be a major drunkard! Depressing music, really; especially at this time of year. Dusky Hola Dusky... Yo te escribi en agosto..si..soy la # 146 .jejjee.. Y no pude escribirte para Xmas..pero Te sigo felicitando..por ser TU.. Take care of U and your family... Huggzzz...pes!! Gracias por tu sitio. Hay veces que busco la letra a unas canciones y no las puedo hallar en otro lado mas que aqui. Gracias. I want to congratulate you for a great site. I know you have read this many a times on prev posts, but you have made the rest of my day. Thanks for sharing your translations with us. Keep up the great work and I'll stay posted for any updates. Gracias. Hola Dusky, estaba hueveando en Internet y haciendo un google sobre Los Brios (el grupo del que fui cantante muchos años) y encontré tu sitio. Solo quería saludarte y decirte que en la última linea de la canción "De Muchas Cosas Tengo Miedo" (que escribí en el año 1972) [debería decir "que hoy callar sea mi forma de ir gritando"]. Saludos desde Argentina! Ya hice la corrección. Me siento halagado al saber que te tomaste el tiempo de visitar mi pagina y ayudarme a mejorarla. Gracias. Dusky Hey Quiquis, I am not too sure if you remember me, you probably don't, it's been at least 1 or 2 years since we used to talk online. Well, if you wanna hit me back and type me an email or somthing, feel free to do so. I remember you were one of my favorite people to talk to when I used to get on the web a lot. We had a lot of good times. Miss you. Of course I remember you, silly. It's not like I mack on every girl that visits my site. :) Or do I? Hmm... hehe. Dusky HOLA Congratulations on passing part I and II. I can't believe it's been so long since I've known you...since that very first time I came to your site, I've been hooked. you're amazing, and I'm sure you know it. :-) Hi, I found your website on accident really. I never heard of Julio Jaramillo but downloaded some of his songs because of your blogs. When my abuelita came over she was almost in tears hearing his music. She was a well known singer back in her days in Peru and knew every song of Julio Jaramillo. Hearing those songs made her day so I have you to thank for putting up this beautiful website. Thank you for sharing this anecdote with me. :) Dusky Hey Dusky, Consider it done! Dusky I really enjoyed your choice in music, although I was very surprised not to find Olimpo Cardenas, Dulce, Manoella Torres, Estela Nunez, entre otros. But regardless, you have a good variety of music that I love to listen to en la radio "Recuerdos." Keep up the good work. Of the people you named, only one of them sounds familiar. Actually, my site features a couple of his songs: Olimpo Cardenas. Gracias por visitar. Dusky Hi there I happened to stumble upon ur page while looking for the lyrics of Quedate Callada and lucky me even found the translation! Thank you for your choice of music and I'll definitely be stopping back.. :) I like your site a lot. Why mexican songs have to be so sad? Almost made me cry. Lo Dudo is my favorite. Moreover, I got my heart broken by a mexican guy when I moved to Cali; daamn those latino lovers. Is that their specialty? I didn't expect it. lol :) Hola Dusky, Soy Mexicana, estoy estudiando en Denver (apenas comence el college) y tengo un año y 2 meses de vivir en USA, mi familia vive en Mexico y te cuento todo esto porq al leer acerca de tus padres, como hablas de ellos, la relacion q tienen, me hace recordar tantas cosas, me ha emocionado de verdad. Es duro estar aca, lejos de Mexico, sin tu familia pero da gusto saber q hay mas personas por aca con un grande amor a Mexico, sus tradiciones, su musica!!! Me encanta tu sitio de verdad. Saludos Hola amigo como estas? Me da gusto que estes bien. Mira que de casualidad buscaba unas canciones de bertin y lalo y me dio gusto encontrarlas no solo en mi lenguaje si no hasta con traduccion al ingles. Felicidadez! I was so happy to discover your page while I was looking for translations of the songs of Los Tigres del Norte. I teach ESL to Mexican adults and these songs are very inspiring. I use them for class and your comments and translations are so helpful. Best wishes to you in school...we NEED teachers like you! Hey Dusky, I'm so happy for you for going to have your first baby! I've been quietly reading your blog for years now and I must say I really think you're going to be a wonderful dad. So congrats again, and make sure to post pictures when the little one is here! :) Best of luck with everything, Tinne PS: What about Ricardo? I like that name! And you can always shorten it to Ric when he's in trouble :) |
[Dusky] i only have four words to say, "I LOVE YOUR PAGE" oye te abentaste he esta muy buena, ase reir ase llorar. pero lo mejor es que me di cuenta de que cuando platicamos siempre eras tu y no tratabas de ser otra persona. En tu page eres el mismo [Dusky] que yo conosco. siermpre tan buena onda, tan jugeton, tan koketo, tan romantico, tan bromista. pero sabes que es lo mas especial. que no tienes miedo de escrivir tus pensamientos.
September 27, 2000
Guestbook Entry #1