Saturday, November 29, 2003Nicole, in a matter of hours, only one will remain… just one. 🙂 Translation:Lets make love to each other, but slower than ever, because now we have the time of the world. Nobody is expecting you elsewhere. From this night on you’re mine, and I yours. There will no longer be a need for us to seek the most secluded spot of a bar to kiss and hold hands. No longer a need to hide ourselves in the dark, in order to hold each other and make out. We can finally take our time making love, exchanging long-lasting, deep, soft kisses. Kisses so passionate that might lead us to forget that we have the rest of the night to ourselves. Lets make love slowly this time. Our bodies coming into full contact, hidden from the sight of others only by the walls and the ceiling, we’ll make love as we always dreamed we would… Vamos a Amarnos Despacio (Emmanuel) (1) (2) (3) (4) (2) (3) Posted by at 12:00 am [Permalink]
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