Sunday, February 29, 2004


Would you believe me if I told you that your beauty is a reason of concern to me? It’s so. I wonder why you didn’t leave long ago, when I could have withstood the experience. It’s now too late… you’ve become my Goddess.

My being despairs and my heart trembles to only think that one day you’re to walk away from me. I suppose there’s nothing to be done of it, considering how plagued with envy the world has become. I can see it now, a man will enter your life and will try to make you his. Nonetheless, I wouldn’t have it any other way… I’ll remain yours, and you mine; what the world has to say of it is of no importance.

Con Mi Dolor Profundo (Los Magallones)
MP3: Listen/Escuchar [Off]

No sé porque me pongo triste
cuando te veo hermosa
No sé porque no te me fuiste
antes de ser mi diosa
No sé porque no te me fuiste
antes de ser mi diosa

Se desespera mi existencia
y el corazón se agita
solo al pensar que un día te vayas de mí
Pero presiento cuanta envidia
florece por el mundo
De todos modos seré tuyo
con mi dolor profundo
De todos modos seré tuyo
con mi dolor profundo

Yo no te culpo
ni provoco celos
ni dudo de envidias
ni dudo de ti
Pero presiento cuanta envidia
florece por el mundo
de todos modos serás mia
y aunque le pese al mundo
de todos modos serás mia
y aunque le pese al mundo

Posted by at 4:02 pm [Permalink]

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