Saturday, January 8, 2005In recent years, one of my fears has been enamoring a girl that I might not end up loving. A greater fear is enamoring her and breaking up with her upon the re-emergence of my first love. Translation:You’re so honorable that you kiss me upon your departure, as if you’ve completely dismissed the suffering I’ve caused you. Furthermore, you attempt to smile so as to keep me from feeling guilty and hating myself. You disguise your own pain so that I feel none at all. I should not have sought you, but I did. I came to you at a time when I was filled with uncertainty. I replenished your heart — and my own — with illusions and I hurt you in the process. I ask that you forgive me for hurting you, yet again. It was never my intent to deceive you and later hurt you. Please bear in mind that I have no control over what I do for her. She is my guiding light, the girl I live and die for, the reason why I exist. Forgive me. Perdón Por Tus Lágrimas (Los Yonics) (1) (2) (3) (4) (3), (3), (4) (5) Posted by at 10:42 am [Permalink]
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