Monday, July 25, 2005A son/daughter of Julio Jaramillo dropped by my guestbook to thank me for showcasing him on my site. Long live the music of El Ruiseñor de América. Translation:A paranoia-induced jealousy has come to possess my being and poison my soul. Hazy thoughts and skepticism are the result. I feel that I’m a victim of deceit, but I’ve heard nothing and seen less. Damned be this cruel uncertainty that afflicts my heart. I beg for your confirmation or refutation of my apprehension. Don’t hold back… a dagger through the heart is preferable to having to live another instant questioning your love and faithfulness toward me. Interrogación (Julio Jaramillo) Ya no creo en nada Mi mente se ofusca. Maldita sean los celos que envenenan mi alma. La cruel incertidumbre de tu amor me mata. Yo no sé por que será… Dime, dime la verdad… Posted by at 9:32 pm [Permalink]
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