Sunday, October 23, 2005
I feel like buying her flowers and writing the following on the card.
When I think about a woman a lot I become indebted to her because she fills my heart with hope. In an attempt to pay my dues, here are some words for you:
An “I love you” carries no meaning unless it’s born in the soul and nurtured by the heart. If such is the case, on top of being meaningful, said thoughts are sweet, sincere and perduring. As sweet, sincere, and perduring as the thoughts I’ve conceived of you. As such, they are not to vanish as a pebble in the ocean, nor fade away as a result of us growing spatially apart. Neither are they to turn to ashes when put on fire, for the simple fact that they are more ardent than fire itself.
Having said that, I have something to ask: care to become my lover?
Quieres Ser Mi Amante? (Camilo Sesto)
MP3: Listen/Escuchar [Off]
Decir “te quiero”, decir “amor”,
no significa nada.
Las palabras sinceras, las que tienen valor,
son las que salen del alma.
Y en mi alma nacen
solo palabras blancas,
preguntas sin respuestas,
llenas de esperanza.
Un amor como el mío no se puede ahogar
como una piedra en un río.
Un amor como el mío no se puede acabar,
ni estando lejos te olvido,
Y no se puede quemar
porque está hecho de fuego.
Ni perder ni ganar,
porque este amor no es un juego.
Sueños que son amor,
son sueños que son dolor.
Y yo necesito saber
si quieres ser mi amante.
Es bonito reir y amar y vivir,
todo por alguien.
Y si es preciso sufrir y llorar o morir
por ese alguien.
Yo necesito saber
si quieres ser mi amante…
Yo necesito saber
si quieres ser mi amante
(5), (5)…
Posted by at 4:40 pm [ Permalink]
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