Tuesday, July 15, 2003

There are days that I tell myself I’ll do such and such after work. It could be something as simple as going to the bank (the ATM, actually), getting some gas, dropping a book at the library, or stopping at 7-11 to buy some sodas. I end up not doing things, postponing them until the next morning, or the next afternoon. It’s hard for me to do anything after 3pm, the time that I get off from work. There’s a lot of tiredness and a lack of desire.

Then there are days like today. I went to Valley to pay for my classes and buy a parking permit (almost got a ticket yesterday for not having one), then drove to the book store, dropped by the post office, came home for a quick shower, took my mother to work, went to school, and my day ended at 7:30pm. I was productive for almost 12 hours straight! I must have been on fire!

At the post office, while my sweaty self waited in line, a man stood in front of the line and said he was told to go get something and come back to the front of the line. He was being apologetic. When he was done explaining, he looked at the first person in line, and the person behind her, waiting for a reaction. I was the second person in line. I think I either shrugged or nodded, but I know for a fact that I didn’t say anything. The lady in front of me didn’t say anything either. The people behind us remained quiet, too, but they seemed like they wanted to say something. He turned around and got in line.

I should not have remained quiet. I should have said something like “Not a problem with me.” Instead, the guy had to endure looking at our indifferent faces, searching for sympathy where there wasn’t any. Finding myself in his situation, I probably would have opted to go to the end of the line, even though I hate lines with a passion! Still, that doesn’t mean I had to be a bitch about him being at the front.

I actually didn’t care about the guy cutting ahead of us — even if that had been the case — except that I was keeping in mind the people behind us. I could not have said straight out, “It’s okay.” I could have only said it was okay by me, leaving others the opportunity to state their opinion. And if there had been a big fuss about it, I could have solved the problem by asking the (returning) person to take my place, and I could have then gone to the back of the line, or I could have gone home to return the next day. Me being the big procrastinator that I am, I probably would have thought, “Ah, a signal from God! He wants me to go home and take care of this tomorrow. And so it shall be!”

I aim to please… 🙂

Posted by at 9:41 pm [Permalink]

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