Wednesday, March 3, 2004Translation:Martin Estrada Contreras was a man who loved playing cards. People respected him because he played by the rules. He accepted his losses just as willingly as he rejoiced on his victories. A young woman entered his heart. He turned her into his wife. To him, she was a rose. Not just any rose — the most beautiful rose. A stranger came into town. The stranger came looking for Martin. They played a series of games, which resulted on Martin losing all his money. Nonetheless, they continued to play. The stranger said, “If you wish to see my cards, you must have something to bet.” Sure of himself, Martin responded, “I’ll bet my wife.” The stranger exposed his cards, and Martin felt death was at his door. Alas, Martin held a weaker hand. Nothing more needed to be said. He left the scene in a hurry and returned within two hours — his wife was next to him. Noise died down… “Debts resulting from gambling are debts to be honored. Here she is, for you to take. She’s what I adore most, and I give her to you. And because losing her would be like losing my life…” Two shots were heard. First Martin killed the woman he loved, then himself.. El Tahur (Los Tigres del Norte) Martín Estrada Contreras Pero una joven hermosa le llegó al corazón Al pueblo llegó un fulano Si quieres mirar mis cartas Se destaparon cuatro aces Martín salió como un rayo “pa mi las deudas del juego son siempre deudas de honor. Te entrego lo que más quiero, pero te la entrego muerta, aunque me destroze el alma, de sentimiento y dolor.” Se oyeron dos fogonazos Posted by at 9:23 pm [Permalink]
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