Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Fear Factor. Tonight was the first time I ever caught that show. I caught it right when they were going through the first challenge: pose naked for a large crowd for two minutes. Nakedness? Damn right I put the remote control down! 🙂

Just thinking of the second challenge… ::gags::

The participants were asked to eat up to five cockroaches in five minutes. The first participant chewed and swallowed the first cockroach. The second cockroach didn’t make it into her stomach. She said she had cut it in half so that it’d be easier to chew on… but as she had one half of the cockroach in her mouth, the other half was still moving in her hand! Yup, she knew it was over for her. She freaked out and exited the game.

At least two of the contestants had to eat five cockroaches. Crunchy. Squishy. Disgusting. So disgusting that a guy actually celebrated when he found out he’d only have to eat three cockroaches and not five. Yeah, I’d have celebrated, too.

Three guys and two girls made it to the third challenge: being immersed into water with a heavy object attached to the feet; remove key from object; use key to unlock the um… lock…. and free yourself! One of the guys was a muscular black mofo from Brooklyn who couldn’t shut his yapper. Dude got in my nerves ’cause of his cockiness. (Hey, it’s one thing for me to be cocky, but when it’s someone else…) He would have gotten in my nerves even more if I were a woman, for he repeatedly expressed how lowly he thought of them.

First contestant goes in…. out in 36 seconds. Success. Second contestant goes in… threw the towel; disqualified. The showoff goes in… out in 22 seconds. He was the winner at that point. Two contestants remained, both women. You already know what he thought of women. He thought the game was over…

First girl goes in… out in 21 seconds. The showboat went home empty-handed! I really thought the second girl would say at this point, “Showboat didn’t take the prize and that’s good enough for me. I’m out.” Truth be told, she didn’t rate high in self-confidence, but a quitter she wasn’t. In she went… and whadda-ya-know… out in 18 seconds! She won. 🙂 Happy ending.

Watching this show can serve as inspiration. Shows like this one make the unthinkable actually doable. Dunno about eating cockroaches, though, but hey, maybe with enough salt… 🙂

Posted by at 12:12 am [Permalink]

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