Thursday, March 23, 2006

I don’t think I’ve ever sat down to watch “Ghost” from beginning to end, and last Saturday was not the exception. As my family and I celebrated Denel’s birthday, we would occasionally turn our heads to the television set to try and keep up with the plot. I caught the part where the psychic (Whoopi Goldberg) — psychotic would be a more apt word, if you ask me — closes a bank account and is handed a lot of dough. I also watched how reluctantly she handed the money to a couple of nuns, after becoming not-so-convinced by Sam (Patrick Swayze) that keeping the money would be a mistake in the long run. The next time I turned my head to the screen I saw Molly (Demi Moore) dancing with the psychic, whose body had become possessed by Molly’s deceased lover. Man, what a moment. That scene caused me to replay in my head the moment when Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks in “Cast Away”) re-emerges into the life of his long lost love, after spending years alone in an island as a result of a planewreck. And of course, this in turn led to…


Mi dulce amor, he tenido que vivir sin tu ternura por tanto tiempo que ya casi estoy seguro que nunca más serás mía. El tiempo sin ti ha sido muy doloroso, y tal es mi mala suerte que me ha tocado vivirlo muy lentamente.  Necesito tanto de tu amor que te hago la misma súplica que los ríos le hacen al mar, “espérame… estoy por llegar.” Mi más grande anhelo es que tú me esperes con la misma devoción que el mar espera a los ríos: brazos ampliamente abiertos. Si tan sólo supieras cuán grande es mi deseo de que la tardanza llegue a su fin! No exagero cuando digo que tu ausencia ya ha sido muy larga y excesívamente cruel…

The text above is Dusky’s translation/interpretation/butchering of Unchained Melody (Righteous Brothers).

Posted by at 10:58 pm [Permalink]

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